Sarah Orlando - Montreal

Sarah Orlando

Montreal QC

Sarah's Strivers

I’m Sarah and I was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma Large B-Cell on June 7th, 2018.

One of my biggest challenges was accepting this diagnosis and having to gain control of my anxiety, that progressed with treatment.

However, there is one positive that came out of this experience, and that’s how my perspective on life has changed tremendously. I do not take a single day for granted and I am so grateful every day for my health, family and friends.

One day during my treatment, my sister, Natasha, came across the Light The Night Walk. She instantly wanted to know more and just a few hours later, Sarah’s Strivers came to life! Knowing that I was now a part of the blood cancer community, I wanted to do everything and anything to help raise funds and awareness.

Light The Night is a night that reminds me of how far I’ve come in my journey. I can now walk for myself and for all those affected by blood cancer.

It’s so important to give back. Blood cancers are the fourth most common diagnosed cancer in Canada. Your support means helping to accelerate blood cancer cures and funding for research.

Do you have a story to tell?

As a supporter, in memory, or as a survivor… share with others why you are helping end blood cancers by participating in a Light the Night Walk