Dominga Castro - Scarbarough

Dominga Castro

Scarborough ON

I’m a survivor of blood cancer, I had only heard of blood cancer in movies and shows, but I feel like getting diagnosed made it real for me. Before it almost felt fictional.

This community gives me hope. When I went to Camp Ooch, it was incredible because at the time I didn’t know anyone else who had cancer. In highschool I felt like the “cancer girl”, so it was great to see other young people who also knew what I was going through.

My mom inspires me, she had breast cancer when I was young, and I saw her going through treatments. From helping her I knew a bit of what to expect out of chemo. I also got to see her get through it and know that I could too. Also I think I’m my own inspiration because of how far I’ve come. I think it’s important to recognize the strength in yourself and let that drive you. I know that I’m strong, and I’m proud of that.

If you’re going through treatment right now, keep your positivity. I of course believe in the doctors, and chemo and the medical treatments, but I also know that having a positive outlook truly makes a difference. So I would just say to keep your head up. Even in a stressful time like this, stay hopeful and positive.

I have two favorite Light the night memories, the first is my very first Light The Night, I think it was in 2016. After we had walked the route there was music playing and people were dancing, and I was nervous to do it at first but I got up there and danced with everyone. The second was this past Light The Night, during the Kilometer of Heroes I saw a picture of myself during treatment next to a picture of me now. It showed me how far I’ve come.

I go with my family, but I live in a seniors building. They always want to find out more about my experience and treatment because when they were my age, the survival rates were so much lower. It shows you how far we’ve come.

I just want to give a shoutout to Camp Ooch and a shoutout to Sick Kids, the staff at both of those organizations were absolutely incredible during my whole journey.

“Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.” - Harry Potter, Prisoner of Azkaban

Do you have a story to tell?

As a supporter, in memory, or as a survivor… share with others why you are helping end blood cancers by participating in a Light the Night Walk